Friday, June 22, 2012

Norway..... I will return one day on vacation....

I took a trip to Norway for one of our restaurant concepts called "Peppes Pizza".  The restaurant was founded about 40 years ago and is one of the best brands of pizza I have ever had.  We have a few restaurants open in Kuwait but I had never visited the original restaurants based in Norway so off I went to see them.  A few things I discovered were most of the men are my height or taller and blond haired.  Like Iceland most women are blond also.  The pizza is awesome and so is the beer.... :)

The chef that creates the new pizza for the company is like Peter Glander in Tennessee... innovative and creative pizzas that are awesome!  The architecture of the buildings is beautiful and there is a ton of water around which means lots of boats!  Cool restaurants, nice people make me want to go back and explore on personal time!

The downtown area is so awesome.  People hanging out all over the place.  Everyone in good spirits and the unemployment rate is like 3%.... thus most people are happy.  Labor is high, meaning all jobs pay well.  The basic jobs pay over $20 per hour.  With that in mind it is all relative since food and beverage cost are high also.  A single beer is $10 !!

This is one of the oldest Peppe's in Norway.  Very cool on the inside as it is 3 levels and has rooms like dungeons....

This area is like a board walk.  Use to be the area that was industrial and for ships coming in.  They have changed it all and built the coolest area now for restaurants, pubs, apartments, etc....

The pizzas were sooooo gooooood!  California Thin Crust with a ton of flavor!  Guess what I will be introducing to Kuwait in the very near future????

This is the downhill ski slopes in Norway... unbelievable to think they fly over 200 feet and land... You can not tell from the picture but the where the grass is directly in front of me it then goes down into a big gully and comes back up to me from after they land...

This picture was a must... sometimes so funny when planes land in the middle east... so many people stand up and start pulling out the luggage like it is a race to get off the plane.  90% of the people are standing and pulling out the luggage and we just landed and are moving yet... not at the terminal!!

Someday I want to go back for a week on vacation!


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