Friday, June 15, 2012

From sand to water....

From sand to water.... I took a quick business trip yesterday.  1,000 miles away I landed in Cairo, Egypt for a half day.  Several interviews set up that went very well.  Developed some new friends and business relationships and I look forward to seeing them again in the future.  I have 4 restaurants in this area; 2 on a large boat and 2 on land right beside the boat that is located on the River Nile.  My goal is to hire a Operations Director to run all 4 restaurants.  The boat is located directly across from where the revolution occurred and where the protest continue.  Next week the final vote for a new president takes place and I wish all the people the best!  I had a quick dinner at Ayam Zaman Lebanese restaurant outside by the river then left and flew back to Kuwait arriving at 5:45am to my apartment.  Quick shower and 2 hour nap and then back up for some water fun!

Our friends picked us up at 8:00am.  We loaded up food and supplies and off we went to the marina and then quickly out onto the Arabian Gulf!  This would be the first trip for Ambyre, Drew and Janet out on to the water so I was pretty excited to see how they would like it.  The day was perfect as it was crystal clear and slightly over 100 degrees but very dry with no humidity.  We picked up speed on the boat and the breeze was perfect!
Drew loved it! Something about the engines humming and the sound of the boat cutting through the water!  We cruised about an hour just looking at beautiful homes and taking in the sites.  The water is a clean aqua green color.  We pulled into one area and considered should we all take a break and go for a swim?

The water felt so nice!  Lightly cool and salty!  The fish were also active.  We were all swimming and laughing and suddenly around us we had some sting ray fish actually slightly jumping out of the water! Very impressive and they had some pretty good size.  The water is salty enough that you can just concentrate and relax and you will float.  Could be the buoyancy factor that I carry... Ha!  Khaled and Paul took off swimming towards the beach.  They went and found some shells to bring back to Ava, Drew, Ambyre and Janet.  Nice little collection!
With all the activity in the water and then riding in the boat, Drew finally gave in and took a nap!  A well deserved one at that!  He really did great for a ride on the boat like this!  We continued cruising and enjoying COLD beverages on the way as you can dehydrate quickly out here.  The weather had climbed up to about 120 on the open water!  We took turns riding on the front deck of the boat and getting some sun!

Our new friend Khaled joined us for the day.  We all look forward to more times to be spent with him also as he is now a good friend!  We continued to cruise around and ended up down by the Kuwait Towers and downtown.

We decided to head back to the marina as the sun and water had drained most all of us!  I laid my head down on Janet's shoulder and before I knew it I was out!  The day was a total success!

We were back to the marina and now ready to head back to the air conditioned apartment.  Me: I was ready for the quick shower and straight into bed!  Khaled invited us over for dinner and some social time but I could not do it today with only 2 hours of sleep.  But I will be ready for the next invite Khaled!  Thanks to Paul, Jennifer & Ava also!


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