Sunday, June 17, 2012

A poodle haircut in Kuwait... sounds easy?

So yesterday we were off on an adventure... where do you take a poodle to get a haircut in Kuwait City?  Janet did a little research and followed up on all the reviews.  She found one place where the reviews were quite positive; International Veterinary Hospital of Kuwait.  She went on line and booked an appointment.  They actually then called her back and negotiated another time with her so that was great because it showed they were paying attention to the online bookings!  We had no idea where it was or just how long it would take to get there.

We took off driving out towards Mangaf which basically is on the coast along the way to Saudi Arabia!  30 minutes and we were in that area.  We decided (yeah, I told Janet to turn right for the short cut over to highway 40) to take a shortcut over to 40.  Ha!  Right turn Janet.... 3 times!  Ambyre and I were saying "um, your going back to Kuwait City now...."!  Finally we got straightened out and found 40 but we were now going the wrong way!  So, exit again, and back the other way.  We drove what seemed for an hour in the dessert looking at lots of oil rig equipment and wondering where we were going to end up!  The signs changed to arabic and we figured we better turn off and check it out just in case so we don't miss the place.  It was not the right exit.  So back out we went.  We continued and finally found 306 which I think was the second to the last of the turnoffs prior to continue to drive out into the dessert to Saudi.

Now we looked for the International Veterinary Hospital.  The place we found looked like a really bad gas station for oil truckers.  Janet was saying... "if this is it forget it, I won't let Bailey go there"..  So we went to turn around and go back and suddenly saw the real sign for the place.  We drove a ways, did a U-turn, drove quite a ways again for another U-turn and went back.  Now we drive in and find about 6 speed bumps on a long drive way and suddenly a large nicely kept building appears.  Probably 120 degrees outside and they provide shaded parking!  In front of the building is real grass!  Who knew!  We took Bailey inside and found a very nice staff to greet us.  The waiting room was clean and big.  Another couple had 2 cats; another couple had a large dog.  They took all the information about Bailey from us and said they would take him back and we would need to return in about 1 hour 30 minutes.  Janet said she wanted to see the facility (she really wanted to make sure it was clean and safe).  They took her back and she came out smiling!  Very clean, very sanitary and a separate room for each groomer.

We then took off and headed over to Abu Halifa for lunch.  We drove through an oil area for refineries and then had Janet about launch us into the air for speed bumps that she could not see!  Whew!  We found our Ruby Tuesday restaurant in this area and stopped.  The staff was great and excited to see that I had brought my family for lunch.  Drew was in heaven as he had a lot of attention be paid to him by the staff and a guest.  Afifi the manager ended being his best friend and they spent a lot of time together while we ate.  We enjoyed a 4 way sampler (cheese sticks, chicken tenders, spring rolls and wings: but we subbed out the wings for more tenders).  Then I had a triple prime burger (the meat we brought in from the US which is Certified Angus Beef) which was awesome.  Janet and Ambyre shared a Chicken Parmesan Pasta which they both said was very good.  In the end we also shared a chocolate lava cake with ice cream and berries.....  The phone rang and we took off to go get Bailey.

When we got there we did not know what to expect.  How would the groomer do on a poodle in Kuwait?  We were very happy!  He did a great job and we will be coming back here from now on!  Janet did clarify however no shortcuts along the way will be taken next time!


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