Wednesday, May 23, 2012

She should have never said that.....

My family has made the trip to Kuwait City!  Lots of great stories to come from them later.  To start with this week while I worked late the other night I missed a family dinner with friends just down the street.  Janet, Ambyre, Drew & Bailey still did get to meet and go have dinner with them however and had a great time.  I really did miss not being there during this first meeting.

Later that same night Janet was all excited and telling me about what a great time that they all had together!  She was telling me different stories about the evening, enjoying the company, enjoying the food, enjoying the dogs and just getting out of the new apartment!  (by the way; dinner plate was brought home for me and it was soooo good!)  It brings a new perspective to Janet and Ambyre to be able to talk to another woman rather than just hearing everything from me.  During this conversation Janet said she was glad to hear that we probably are over all the sand storms for this year.  I said "what?".  I said I'm not so sure of that and you better wait to see.

Well, the very next morning I get up and ready myself for work.  I get ready to leave and walk outside and guess what?....  Yes indeed, the sandstorm had approached again!  High winds were picking up and blowing basically from the Iran area directly across the Persian Gulf right at Kuwait.  The waves were high on the water and the sand or dust as they like to call it here was in the air!  When I got to my office I shot a couple pictures.  Then today I went back to the same place and shot them again just to give you a perspective of what it is really like.....


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