Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What you think you know to be true may not be....

Moving to the Middle East in Kuwait has been interesting.  So many people talking to me prior to leaving could not believe I would do such a thing.  Many people tell the same thing to my wife and daughter.  Most everyone from the US thinks the area is far to scary because they associate with war or Iraq and most people always think dessert, no modern society and people who don't like you.

This week I rented an apartment.  I needed bedroom furniture so I watched on the internet.  Finally saw a King Bed, 8 drawer dresser, 2 extra side tables and a huge wardrobe component.  I called and spoke to a woman whom had ok English.  She told me where her family lived and the price.  The next day a couple people from work went with me to the apartment and I met the mother of the family who was a local wearing a Hijab (traditionally worn by Muslim women covering the head).  She invited me in, showed me the bed set and told me the price.  It was a great deal and I agreed to buy it.  She then said she would arrange to have men come to the 7th floor apartment and take it apart, put on a truck and deliver to my apartment and put it back together.  I pulled out money to pay and she said "no sir, after the furniture is delivered and a few days have passed if you are happy with it then you can wire the money to my bank".  I about fell over with her kindness.  She then asked if I had children and I replied yes but grown and do have grand children.  She said come to the other room where she showed my a small boys bicycle and insisted I take it with me.

Two days later she called and asked me to come to the apartment as the men were loading the truck.  I met her husband whom was also very kind.  He came downstairs and handed me a bag and said it was a gift to me from them and hope I liked it.  It was a new set of sheets for the bed!  They delivered that night and 4 days later I called to thank them and told them I appreciate the hospitality.  I do not know anywhere in the US where someone would have treated me that kindly and not worried about payment.  It felt so great and I gained a new appreciation of Kuwait already!


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