Wednesday, March 21, 2012

US Embassy National Day

This week has been interesting and tonight was fun!  For a quick update, Kuwait had both Customs on strike and the Kuwait Airlines on strike so food, supplies and people were having difficulty getting into our out of Kuwait.  Finally today the strike stopped.  In the meantime, contacts at the US Embassy asked me to step in with our team and help them out Thursday night because the other company cancelled due to lack of foods through customs; of course the answer is yes!

Tonight the US Embassy hosted National Night.  A lot of companies from around Kuwait represented well and gave out food for fee to about 2,000 guest including us.  We did fresh crab cakes, fried shrimps and chicken tenders.  It went over great!  The US Ambassador stopped by and loved it.

I also networked and met many people including many Americans.  One of my personal friends from the past that some of you know as my evil twin brother.... yes, he looks like me and worked for Ruby Tuesday at one time... now is the VP of the largest group in the Middle East: Alshaya... showed up with his wife and we had a great time together!  His name is Stephen Oconnor.  It was great to spend time with him and his lovely wife.

Tonight I was proud of my team.  They came together so quickly and worked hard to pull off an event that most people could not have done.  I am blessed to have them.  Sometimes we get down, think things are tough and not going well; but when I experience a night like this; it is worth it.

Kimberly Louis, one of my main contacts at the Embassy, is from Jersey; has an attitude that is like my wife's.  She can talk it and she can walk it.  She had told me last week she would be singing the National Anthem.  Said she is involved in plays, theater, dance, singing, etc all in in Kuwait.  I told her I would be the judge of it when I heard her sing.   Well, OMG.  She put most people to shame that we see sing the National Anthem on TV for sports, etc...   I was over whelmed.  My daughters in Knoxville would have fell over; especially Ambyre.  I will be buying tickets to the theater in Kuwait now and watching.

It was a great night and I am back at my apartment safely and again, proud of my team for what they did tonight.  They know how to represent!  Thank You!


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