Saturday, June 9, 2012

British Embassy Diamond Jubilee

Tonight was a night to get out of the apartment and break loose... we were invited by friends to attend the British Embassy for the Diamond Jubilee.  Basically; an event for about 1,000 people to attend, 5 food vendors, about 5 areas set up for serving beverages with a wide selection of wines, spirits, beers, soft drinks, juices, etc.  A live band was playing that was great with tunes from the 70's in rock up through modern top 40s.  We met a lot of new friends, danced like crazy, ate a wide variety of foods from sushi to burgers that was great and maybe sipped a few drinks down :).  Interesting people that we met with stories that I much enjoyed.  I look forward to the future events even more.  Upon arriving home Janet even turned and looked at me and said "I had a great time tonight, that was fun"..... and it was!

Tomorrow is Ambyre's day.  Another good friend and his wife are coming by to pick Ambyre up and take her to the Corniche.  Basically it is a great fitness center, bunches of swimming pools and great restaurants including PF Chang's from back in the US.  Most of you know that Ambyre actually worked at Chang's for over 4 years...  Ambyre needs the break so Janet will watch Drew and we will see what kind of reports we get back tomorrow from the Corniche... I just might have to look at a membership later for there!  Cheers!


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