Kuwait: February 2012

While researching for a place to live I visited a flat in Salmiya which was built for a hotel then switched to Condominiums just prior to opening.This is on the 16th floor from the kitchen

Moscow: May 2003

Visiting Moscow I experienced the underground metro from World War II era. They were kept pristine clean from the mosaic ceilings down to the floors. It was a thrill taking a ride in this train knowing I was under Moscow. During this visit I ate some caviar and drank some of the best vodka ever

Richland Center, Wisconsin

My hometown area, Alana Springs (the name of the water flowing) during the winter time. The flow of the water can erase all of your stress.

Santiago, Chile

flying into Santiago you suddenly see the great Andes Mountains. The site is incredible and makes me want to return and venture through the mountains for food and culture


The back side of the island reminded me of the television show "Lost". Green, lush amd tropical. I went to the beaches below and visited a special little restaurant hut where Andrew Zimmerman named one of his favorite 5 sandwiches: Fresh Shark..A man dipped in batter and fresh fried the shark filet then put it on a nice big roll. A table next to the hut had about 16 dishes of fresh herb sauces to apply to the sandwich along with a variety of vegetables. It was great


The Parthenon is a temple on the Athenian Acropolis; dedicated to the Greek Goddess Athena, whom they considered their virgin patron. Construction began in 447 BC so to sit among it your mind takes off thinking about who has walked where you are standing..... Over the top of the hill lies some restaurants that were some of the best I ever ate in. Older greek men hand turning meet over coals and then making you a sandwich... I want to go back now

Saturday, March 24, 2012

New Friends.....

This past week I met some new friends at the US Embassy.  They are so nice.  Both from the states; she is a Jersey Girl and former NSO entertainer.  She met her husband while traveling with the NSO around the world as a singer, dancer (Bob Hope style) for the US Military.  They invited me to a party with friends at there home so myself and my 'right hand' from work went and attended.  Very cool neighborhood and a true Kuwait Home which is very large (3 stories) and beautiful.  They had both lived in Jordan at one time so most of the furniture was all handmade in Jordan and then brought to Kuwait.  We met there daughter who was 8 and so precious!  In the living/entertaining area were a variety of fresh vegetables, dips, scratch made smoked habanero salsa, chips, nuts, spring rolls & cheeses.  The beverage selection was incredible with juices from around the world; my son in law would have been in heaven with me!

About 10 guest arrived.  Two of them were teachers at The English School and were very interesting to talk to as they lived here for 4 years now.  I spent most of my time with the husband talking about his past experiences, travel and life in the Middle East.  He gave me so many ideas for adjusting my work habits with culture and also a few great vacation ideas!  The best was a contact for a small yacht cruise for 8 couples in the Mediterranean Sea for 7 days that included the boat, captain and a mate for doing the cooking and cleaning for about $550 couple for the week....  We also discussed things to do in Kuwait and places to eat!

I am thankful I have made contacts at the US Embassy since I arrived as every week I seem to make more and more contacts from them for both business and friendship!

I forgot to add one thing... they are from New York / New Jersey area.... they requested all to attend in casual clothing but no jeans.  I wore my Green Bay Packer Jersey under my oxford shirt with dress slacks.  During the evening I found out they both were NY Giants fans so just before we left I stood up and said "man, it is warm in your house; hope you don't mind if I take my shirt off"..... They thought I was crazy as I started undressing and when they saw my jersey they could not believe it!  Ha!  That stoked them up big time!  They called me a smart *ss but loved every minute of it!  Such a good time!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

US Embassy National Day

This week has been interesting and tonight was fun!  For a quick update, Kuwait had both Customs on strike and the Kuwait Airlines on strike so food, supplies and people were having difficulty getting into our out of Kuwait.  Finally today the strike stopped.  In the meantime, contacts at the US Embassy asked me to step in with our team and help them out Thursday night because the other company cancelled due to lack of foods through customs; of course the answer is yes!

Tonight the US Embassy hosted National Night.  A lot of companies from around Kuwait represented well and gave out food for fee to about 2,000 guest including us.  We did fresh crab cakes, fried shrimps and chicken tenders.  It went over great!  The US Ambassador stopped by and loved it.

I also networked and met many people including many Americans.  One of my personal friends from the past that some of you know as my evil twin brother.... yes, he looks like me and worked for Ruby Tuesday at one time... now is the VP of the largest group in the Middle East: Alshaya... showed up with his wife and we had a great time together!  His name is Stephen Oconnor.  It was great to spend time with him and his lovely wife.

Tonight I was proud of my team.  They came together so quickly and worked hard to pull off an event that most people could not have done.  I am blessed to have them.  Sometimes we get down, think things are tough and not going well; but when I experience a night like this; it is worth it.

Kimberly Louis, one of my main contacts at the Embassy, is from Jersey; has an attitude that is like my wife's.  She can talk it and she can walk it.  She had told me last week she would be singing the National Anthem.  Said she is involved in plays, theater, dance, singing, etc all in in Kuwait.  I told her I would be the judge of it when I heard her sing.   Well, OMG.  She put most people to shame that we see sing the National Anthem on TV for sports, etc...   I was over whelmed.  My daughters in Knoxville would have fell over; especially Ambyre.  I will be buying tickets to the theater in Kuwait now and watching.

It was a great night and I am back at my apartment safely and again, proud of my team for what they did tonight.  They know how to represent!  Thank You!

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Tonight I just want to say I am thankful.....

*  Thankful for modern technology for the miracle of video chatting while I am 7,000 miles away from family I can still chat with them.  Tonight my father was on chatting with me and at 93 years old it was pretty fun!

*  Thankful for my sister Nancy getting him to the house to have the chat and keeping us connected!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Wise man driving that taxi.....

A friend of mine told me about Hamid the taxi.  He said you can go anywhere for 2KD in Kuwait by texting Hamid.  I started this and found he has about 10 drivers and I really like the service.  You text to a number to "pick me up at _____ and drop me off at _____" and generally in about 15 minutes you are in the car riding.  Most all of the drivers are from India or Pakistan and Hamid does a good job choosing who can drive for him and they are pleasant.  Sometimes other taxis stop for me and I say "are you Hamid?"... they say no and drive on.  The other day I sent my text and a guy pulled up in about 10 minutes and I said again "are you Hamid?".  He said yes.  I got in and we took off.  About a minute later I received a text and Hamid told me the black dodge charger was there to pick me up; problem was I was in a white car.  I got home fine and for the same rate.  I apologized to Hamid via text.

Next morning I texted again and in 10 minutes I was picked up.  He introduced himself to me; his name was really Hamid; he owned the company and was from India.  We had a great conversation about Kuwait and he told me about his family and how he started his business.  I apologized about yesterday again.  He said to me "you know, next time just say to them "who sent you"? and see if they say Hamid".  Duh, thinking about what he said.

He then told me there are so many people that do not know some of the languages and the last thing you ever want to do is just act like you know and say yes or nod your head.  (a few days earlier a friend of mine took me for coffee and he wanted to prove the same point; he asked the waiter could he have the pink coffee and the waiter said yes....)  

Hamid said his father told him a story as a young boy about culture and languages... said a man was living in country where he could not speak the language of the locals.  He knew he needed to learn so he went and told his new boss he was willing to go for training.  The new boss said "don't worry about it.... you are ok with using 3 words: Yes, No and Alright.  Use them in that order and generally you will be fine.  A few days goes by and the man goes for a walk.  He sits on a park bench and it is a little cool outside.  A few blocks away another man commits a murder.  The police start to chase him and the bad guy runs through the park and the police dogs are after him.  The bad guys removes his jacket on the run and throws it and it lands near the man on the bench.  The bad guys continues running away.  The man on the bench thinks wow, this is nice, the man knew I was cold and gave me a jacket and puts it on.  Moments later the police dogs and cops surround him.  The cops are local and ask him in the local language if it was him that committed the murder?  The man remembers what to do and says "yes".  The police take him to jail and he is all confused.  Next they line up a a judge to see him.  The judge now says in the local language "I understand you said you committed the murder; I want to make sure now if you are going to change your story and say you did not do it?  "No" was the reply...  The judge cannot believe how easy this case has gone so moves on to the sentencing of the murder and says in the local language "well, you admitted when we caught you and have not changed your story; therefore I must sentence you to hanging"..... the man simply replied "alright"......

You can bet now I say "who sent you"...... and yes, working on a few phrases....

Friday, March 16, 2012

Grocery getter and the maid.....

First the grocery getter!  Some of the real big grocery stores in Kuwait are located in shopping malls.  The malls are typically bigger than the ones you are use to.  When you go in the mall you go up and down escalators that do not have steps.... they are kind of like moving sidewalks that go up and down.  Next you see full grocery carts coming out of the store and you see kids heading to the escalator with them.  First thing I am kindling of freaking out thinking I better go catch this little boy with the full grocery getter before it takes off down the moving sidewalk and runs over someone..... as it turns out the grocery getters have special wheels in Kuwait; rails built on them with extremely strong magnets.  Genius move!
Tonight I decided to let the maid do some cleaning.  First the bedroom furniture that I purchased this week was scrubbed down clean and readied for some new stain.  Next laundry was going.  Next the newly purchased vacuum was put to use and all the floors were cleaned and ready for mopping.  Next out came the new mop bucket, hot water, cleaning solution and the new mop.  All tile floor in the flat but the newly purchased Turkish rug in the middle of the living room.  At this time I have no living room furniture really, no television, no dining table, etc as I am waiting to catch deals!  So the mopping was begun and boy it smelled much better!  About 80% of the way through the mop bucket tipped over and the fastest mopping you have ever witnessed was put in motion!  The maid was pretty bad at mopping... of course that be me!  Think I might have to get a new maid soon!

Marina Mall Kuwait

Friday is normally my day off while living in Kuwait.  Back in the states some people are fortunate to have off on Saturday and Sunday.  Here it is Friday and maybe Saturday; but typically it is a half day Saturday.  I decided to get out for a bit and went to the Marina Mall.  Janet and I had been there before so I wanted to check it out again.

Located on Gulf Road along the coast the mall is built on one side of the highway with a huge indoor bridge that takes you to the other side where the stores all face a marina.  I shopped on the inside and looked at stores.  Tons of clothing, jewelry, electronics, etc.  Very nicely done.  I then went towards the marina side and it was about 80 degrees out and clear.  About 8 coffee shops line the "crescent" by the marina and it was very busy and a great atmosphere.  People eating sweets, drinking coffees and espresso and most everyone laughing, talking and watching everyone else.  The boats looked great and every now and then one would take off out to sea.

I walked down a ways and looked at many boats. Found a couple tours that will take you for excursions out onto some islands where you can also go on camel rides.  People were buying tickets to go and were very excited.  I then walked around to the other side where I found a awesome beach.  Some people out tanning, some people out walking and a few kids swimming.  Boats going by some and some jet ski's.  I walked a little further and found a bunch of Harley Bikes.  Very nice.  My daughter Mandy and Justin would have loved this as some of them had S&S engines when I checked them out.  Behind the bikes were 2 cars that drew some attention.  I had to go look.  They were the Mclaren F1 cars; one black, one orange.  These are carbon fibre racing machines that cost in the area of about 1 million each.....  Pretty amazing.

I left and went to a store called the Sultan Center and did a little shopping.  Pretty much can find everything you can find in the US but just a little different.  Stopped and had some coffee and a sandwich while watching people and then caught a taxi back to my apartment (here they call them a "flat").  Every time you take a taxi you have to be wise about setting the price first.  When they see the occasional American they always assume big money so the prices they will charge are nearly twice.  So, you say how much and if you disagree just walk away and they start dropping prices.  You have to know the going rates!  If it is over 2KD then you better be going for a long ride!  Each KD is about $3.50.....  Enjoy the pics!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

US Embassy Visit

A few days ago the staff members of AEWA (American Embassy Welfare Association) asked me if we could put together a quick meal at the US Embassy to celebrate St. Patricks day.  I took the challenge of course and said yes.  They gave me a recipe for Irish Stew, Corn Beef Sandwiches and Irish Cake.  You have to remember where I live now.... I said yes and had no idea if I could even get Corn Beef here in Kuwait!  

I gave the recipe to my Chef and asked him to source all the ingredients to prepare this.  He had to ask for an explanation on what 4 of the ingredients were and had never cooked any Irish meals in his life.  He is also born and raised from India.  He then showed me a sample of the Corn Beef in a can that was minced and I started to get worried!  We had the purchasing teams make some calls and yes, we sourced the real corn beef to be able to serve 150 people two days later.  We also sourced all the ingredients needed for Irish Stew and the Irish Cake.  The one thing we now needed was Guinness Irish Beer which of course the US Embassy has!

The team worked last night until 1:30am cooking all the bread, preparing all the meat, cooking the stew without the beer in it as we had to wait to get to the Embassy to then heat & reduce the beer to add it to the stew.  They then delivered the product today to the Embassy during yet another sand storm day and set up outside with a Irish Band to serve the guest.  I bought green shirts for the staff so that they fit in for St. Patties!  Food service started at about 5:30pm and ended at 9:00pm.  

I met so many great people from the US and made some new friends at the same time.  2 of the families actually live within walking distance of my place close by!  The band members had a high percentage of Filipinos in the group and they actually sounded great!  Played a lot of music I knew very well (Skynard and lots of old southern rock).  During the night I met 5 soldiers whom had not been around trees or food other than MRE's for about 5 months.  We did them special and picked out 5 Ribeye's for the grill and it felt so good taking care of them knowing in reality they take care of all of us.  We served about 140 guest overall and it was a success.  So proud of my team tonight for going the extra mile so fast and it was so great making new friends; I look forward to more visits!

Palms Beach Hotel, Spa & Resort

Was going to get some rest tonight when someone gave me an invitation to go with them to dinner.  Did not know where but I went along.  Turned out to be the Palms Beach Hotel.  I always heard that basically no swim suits were allowed in Kuwait; especially for women.  Turns out that is not so true if you join a place like the Palms for a membership.  They are a great resort type area with outdoor pools, indoor spa and Gymnasium with several restaurants.  Turns out my friend is a member and on Wednesday nights there is always a bbq weather permitting.  Fresh seafood including fish, lobster, shrimps along with Lebanese style outdoor grilling of chicken, beef, lamb, salads, sides, desserts, breads, juices, sodas, etc.  It was so awesome that I cannot wait to take Janet there when she arrives!  I think we have to visit both clubs a few times to decide what we are the most comfortable in!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What you think you know to be true may not be....

Moving to the Middle East in Kuwait has been interesting.  So many people talking to me prior to leaving could not believe I would do such a thing.  Many people tell the same thing to my wife and daughter.  Most everyone from the US thinks the area is far to scary because they associate with war or Iraq and most people always think dessert, no modern society and people who don't like you.

This week I rented an apartment.  I needed bedroom furniture so I watched on the internet.  Finally saw a King Bed, 8 drawer dresser, 2 extra side tables and a huge wardrobe component.  I called and spoke to a woman whom had ok English.  She told me where her family lived and the price.  The next day a couple people from work went with me to the apartment and I met the mother of the family who was a local wearing a Hijab (traditionally worn by Muslim women covering the head).  She invited me in, showed me the bed set and told me the price.  It was a great deal and I agreed to buy it.  She then said she would arrange to have men come to the 7th floor apartment and take it apart, put on a truck and deliver to my apartment and put it back together.  I pulled out money to pay and she said "no sir, after the furniture is delivered and a few days have passed if you are happy with it then you can wire the money to my bank".  I about fell over with her kindness.  She then asked if I had children and I replied yes but grown and do have grand children.  She said come to the other room where she showed my a small boys bicycle and insisted I take it with me.

Two days later she called and asked me to come to the apartment as the men were loading the truck.  I met her husband whom was also very kind.  He came downstairs and handed me a bag and said it was a gift to me from them and hope I liked it.  It was a new set of sheets for the bed!  They delivered that night and 4 days later I called to thank them and told them I appreciate the hospitality.  I do not know anywhere in the US where someone would have treated me that kindly and not worried about payment.  It felt so great and I gained a new appreciation of Kuwait already!

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