Kuwait: February 2012

While researching for a place to live I visited a flat in Salmiya which was built for a hotel then switched to Condominiums just prior to opening.This is on the 16th floor from the kitchen

Moscow: May 2003

Visiting Moscow I experienced the underground metro from World War II era. They were kept pristine clean from the mosaic ceilings down to the floors. It was a thrill taking a ride in this train knowing I was under Moscow. During this visit I ate some caviar and drank some of the best vodka ever

Richland Center, Wisconsin

My hometown area, Alana Springs (the name of the water flowing) during the winter time. The flow of the water can erase all of your stress.

Santiago, Chile

flying into Santiago you suddenly see the great Andes Mountains. The site is incredible and makes me want to return and venture through the mountains for food and culture


The back side of the island reminded me of the television show "Lost". Green, lush amd tropical. I went to the beaches below and visited a special little restaurant hut where Andrew Zimmerman named one of his favorite 5 sandwiches: Fresh Shark..A man dipped in batter and fresh fried the shark filet then put it on a nice big roll. A table next to the hut had about 16 dishes of fresh herb sauces to apply to the sandwich along with a variety of vegetables. It was great


The Parthenon is a temple on the Athenian Acropolis; dedicated to the Greek Goddess Athena, whom they considered their virgin patron. Construction began in 447 BC so to sit among it your mind takes off thinking about who has walked where you are standing..... Over the top of the hill lies some restaurants that were some of the best I ever ate in. Older greek men hand turning meet over coals and then making you a sandwich... I want to go back now

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

She should have never said that.....

My family has made the trip to Kuwait City!  Lots of great stories to come from them later.  To start with this week while I worked late the other night I missed a family dinner with friends just down the street.  Janet, Ambyre, Drew & Bailey still did get to meet and go have dinner with them however and had a great time.  I really did miss not being there during this first meeting.

Later that same night Janet was all excited and telling me about what a great time that they all had together!  She was telling me different stories about the evening, enjoying the company, enjoying the food, enjoying the dogs and just getting out of the new apartment!  (by the way; dinner plate was brought home for me and it was soooo good!)  It brings a new perspective to Janet and Ambyre to be able to talk to another woman rather than just hearing everything from me.  During this conversation Janet said she was glad to hear that we probably are over all the sand storms for this year.  I said "what?".  I said I'm not so sure of that and you better wait to see.

Well, the very next morning I get up and ready myself for work.  I get ready to leave and walk outside and guess what?....  Yes indeed, the sandstorm had approached again!  High winds were picking up and blowing basically from the Iran area directly across the Persian Gulf right at Kuwait.  The waves were high on the water and the sand or dust as they like to call it here was in the air!  When I got to my office I shot a couple pictures.  Then today I went back to the same place and shot them again just to give you a perspective of what it is really like.....

Saturday, May 5, 2012

it took me 94 days.....

On January 31st I landed in Kuwait City to start a venture and see where it goes....  I had traveled the world many times around and had met many people while doing so.  I have to tell you something... moving somewhere and visiting somewhere are two different things altogether :)

Typical for me was to fly in to an area and spend anywhere from 3 days to 7 days while working the entire time.  You try to take time to meet people and to learn more of the area.  What have I learned now that I have been in Kuwait for 94 days?  Well let me tell you!

*  Traveling somewhere on business around the world and only spending a few days is just plain and simply explained as "smoke and mirrors".  You only see, hear, feel, taste, meet and do what someone wants to experience......  

*  I went 94 days without a tv to listen to.  In the states I had my flat screen Panasonic Plasma that I became addicted to.  Watch my weather, news, sports and a few shows like NCIS, CSI, American Idol, etc.....  Here I read the paper daily and really just work and talk a lot to people for a pure perspective.  I have learned to develop relationships more, spend time at coffee shops and really talk to people and go for walks rather than watching tv.  Janet, Ambyre and Drew will be here soon so yesterday I bought my same flat screen and a dvd player.  Strange thing was I did not turn on the tv yet tonight and now I'm home....

*  People.... look back at some of my other stories on my blog.... people are just not what you expect.  Most of what we know from the US is programmed in your head by the media or by people whom think they know but really do not because most of those people have not lived there.....  People are better here in the most part.  What is better?  Well, for the most part the people that I meet are genuine.  They are real, they like to connect and get to know you.  I'm still somewhat guarded in whom I get to know but for the most part I have came to meet some great new friends.

*  Food....  for 94 days I did not have any resemblance of a home cooked meal from the US.  Tonight that was put to rest!  Great new friends that only live down the street (whom I can't wait for my family to meet) invited me over tonight for dinner.  The dinner was great!  After I cleaned my plate the first time I was asked if I would like to have some more... Yes please!  Dinner was followed by a great peach cobbler... Can't wait to have Janet, Ambyre and Drew here and we invite them down to our place to return the favor!  Thank You Paul & Jennifer!

I absolutely cannot wait to get my family here with me.  The culture, the people, the food.... many things to watch and see how my family reacts.  I hope they enjoy it as much as me!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

One-77....... not what I am use to.....

When I grew up in Richland Center with about 4,000 other people we occasionally saw some fast cars and sometimes road in a few.  What were they back then?  Camaro, Trans Am, Buick Skylark, Chevelle, Corvette, the occasional Road Runner, Dodge Charger, etc...  Most people could not afford anything to much different and many were 'motor heads or gear heads' who did a lot of the engine work themselves.  I also remember going to Madison once with Keith Ruetten and we toured a bunch of specialty cars with Brian "Moose" Ferguson at his specialty shop he worked at.  Kind of like a dream land for speed.

Fast forward into Kuwait in 2012 and it is a different story.  A few post back in my blog you will find pictures of me down by the beach at a mall looking at two McClaren's.  They are just a bit faster and maybe just a little more expensive than that Buick Skylark I use to drive!  I have saw just about every make and model go by me while riding around in Kuwait.  Tonight I enjoyed a little time after a long day sitting on a terrace outside with a few friends.  We talked about many things and it grew late and was time for me to go home.  One person asked if I needed a ride and said he would drop me off as it was on his way so I said yes and away we went.  Upon arriving at his car, I did not even know what kind it was.  I soon found out and took my first ride in a specialty car.  It was quite the experience, impressive in looks, impressive in sound and I loved the power and the ride.

Here it is; the Aston Martin One-77.  Look it up.... just a bit different than that Buick...  I told him my daughter would never want to get out of it once she got in it... he said "just ask for the keys and you can take it cruising"....  I would be scared to death of a scratch!  Ha!  Insanely worth 1.4 (million)......

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